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  • Water Corporation's non-residential water saving programs have helped save 83 billion litres of water since 2007
  • There are 316 participants in non-residential water saving programs
  • Water supplies in Western Australia continue to be impacted by climate change 

Water Minister Dave Kelly today recognised the top savers in the Water Corporation's non-residential water saving programs.


Together, the 316 participants in the Waterwise Business, Waterwise Office and Waterwise Development programs helped save 11 billion litres of water in 2016-17. 


The Waterwise Business Program assists non-residential customers, using more than 20 million litres of scheme water each year, to save water. The Carnamah Recreation Centre received top honours in the Waterwise Business Program, with a Platinum recognition for reducing its water use by more than 50 per cent since it joined the program a decade ago. 


The Waterwise Office Program is a partnership between the Water Corporation, Property Council of Australia and City of Perth, and helps office building owners and managers to save water. GDI Property Group, which operates 197 St Georges Terrace, achieved a Platinum recognition in the Waterwise Office Program.


The Waterwise Development Program is a partnership between the Water Corporation and the Urban Development Institute of Australia (WA Division) EnviroDevelopment Program. This program recognises the importance of designing water sensitive and liveable homes and communities.


Two newly endorsed LandCorp projects were recognised - Shoreline in North Coogee and the Rockingham Industrial Zone, which is the first non-residential development to join the program.


Initiatives implemented at Shoreline at North Coogee include establishing native plants and hydrozoning gardens, and installing waterwise fixtures and sub-meters at apartments to help residents track and save water.


It is estimated tenants at the Rockingham Industry Zone will use 80 per cent less scheme water compared to standard industrial developments by using stormwater and rainwater tanks as a source of supply.    


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"Through these programs more than 83 billion litres of water - about 36,889 Olympic swimming pools - has been saved since 2007, when the first program began.


"It is great to see such a wide variety of industries participate in these programs and their commitment to saving water.  Some have been part of a water saving program for almost a decade, and it is encouraging to see them continue to explore new and innovative ways to save water.


"Ensuring the protection of our State's most precious resource for the long term is the responsibility of everyone, particularly as climate change continues to impact our rainfall levels."


Minister's office - 6552 6100


Complete list of participants newly endorsed or receiving Gold or higher recognition below:


Waterwise Business Program


Platinum Waterwise Business- Achieved over 50 per cent improvement in water efficiency in 2016-17.


Carnamah Recreation Centre


Gold Waterwise Business- Achieved a water efficiency improvement of between 35-50 per cent in 2016-17.


Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Goldfields Oasis Recreation Centre (City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder)
Pilbara Holiday Park (Karratha)
Shenton College
Kambalda Community Recreation Facility (Shire of Coolgardie)
Tip Top Bakeries, Canning Vale
BHPB Nickel West, Boulder
Galleria Shopping Centre, Morley


Waterwise Office Program


Platinum Waterwise Office-Awarded to the business who demonstrated best practice water use for a commercial office building.


GDI Property Group, 197 St Georges Terrace, Perth


Gold Waterwise Office- Awarded to the business who demonstrated significantly above average water efficiency for a commercial office building.


Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth
Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington Street, Perth
Water Corporation, John Tonkin Water Centre, 629 Newcastle Street, Leederville


Newly endorsed Waterwise Office- Achieving industry standard in water efficiency.


CBUS Property 140 William, 140 William Street, Perth
St Martins Tower, 40-44 St Georges Terrace, Perth


Newly endorsed Waterwise Development-Achieved EnviroDevelopment certification for water element.


Shoreline - North Coogee - LandCorp
Rockingham Industry Zone (RIZ) - LandCorp