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  • Waterwise Verge Incentive Scheme supports councils with dollar-for-dollar funding to help households establish waterwise verges

  • Councils eligible for up to $10,000 in funding from the Water Corporation each year

If you have spotted some beautiful waterwise verges in the cities of Mandurah, Vincent and Stirling and the Town of Victoria Park recently, they are likely the result of a little help from the State Government's Waterwise Verge Incentive Scheme.


Through the scheme, eligible Waterwise Councils receive dollar-for-dollar funding from the Water Corporation to help households create waterwise verges as our city continues to be impacted by climate change. Waterwise verges save water and create sustainable green spaces in our communities.  


In 2017-18, a total of 90 households each received $500 from their council to create a waterwise verge, with the Water Corporation providing $250 of this funding. Up to $10,000 is available per council each year through the Waterwise Verge Incentive Scheme.


To take part in the scheme, councils must be an endorsed Waterwise Council, promote a verge policy consistent with waterwise best-practice, and offer an incentive program to its residents.


For more information, visit


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"Climate change continues to have a profound impact on our water supplies here in Perth and we need to continue to evolve our communities to be waterwise.


"I congratulate the cities of Mandurah, Vincent and Stirling and the Town of Victoria Park for their work to help households establish waterwise verges through the State Government's Waterwise Verge Incentive Scheme.


"More than 40 per cent of household water use in Perth occurs outside the home, so a waterwise verge can help you save water. Establishing native plants also adds to the liveability of our communities by adding visual appeal and creating habitats for local wildlife - all while having a cooling effect on our streets.


"I encourage other eligible councils to take advantage of the Waterwise Verge Incentive Scheme."

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Minister's office

Phone: (08) 6552 6100