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Residents and businesses in parts of Mundaring, Sawyers Valley, Stoneville, Mt Helena and Chidlow will experience an overnight water outage from 9pm tonight (9 May), while Water Corporation carries out emergency work to repair a leak on the water main supplying these areas.


Water Corporation will wait to begin repairs until 9pm to minimise the impact to the community as much as possible, with the work expected to take around 6 to 8 hours.


Bottled water will be made available free of charge and will be located behind the Mundaring Shopping Centre on Craig Street throughout the water outage.


Once water is restored, residents may experience temporary discoloured water. This can occur when there’s a sudden increase in the rate or direction of water flowing through pipes, stirring up sediment. Please rest assured, although it can look different to usual, it is harmless and safe to use.


We thank the community for their understanding while we carry out these essential repairs.


For updates on the outage, please call Water Corporation’s 24/7 Operations Centre on 13 13 75 or go to:

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Contact: Media Team

Phone: (08) 9420 2555