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  • Ms Gningala Yarran-Mark to join Water Corporation Board
  • Chairman, Deputy Chairman and two other Board members re-appointed

Minister for Water Dave Kelly today announced the Water Corporation had appointed a new member to its Board of Directors and renewed the terms of its Chairman, Deputy Chairman and two other Board members.


Ms Gningala Yarran-Mark has been appointed as a new Board member for a term of three years. Ms Yarran-Mark is a qualified lawyer and holds a Master of Business Leadership and Bachelor of Science in Indigenous Australian Research Methodologies. She is currently employed with United Group Limited where she co-ordinates the company's commitments under its Reconciliation Action Plan. 


Ms Yarran-Mark is also on the Board of Fairbridge College and Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services. Her proven ability to bridge indigenous culture with the corporate world will be beneficial to the Water Corporation as it continues to deliver on its own reconciliation vision.


The Minister has also re-appointed Board Chairman Michael Hollett, Deputy Chairman David Lock, Board Member Dr Jemma Green and Board Member Mr Ross Holt.


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"It is fantastic to see a diverse range of people attracted to the Water Corporation Board, who have a wealth of skills, technical knowledge and life experience.


"Their capabilities will ensure we have effective decision-making for the sustainable management of our most precious resource - water - and ensure we continue to respond effectively to climate change, a growing State and changing community expectations.


"Ms Yarran-Mark's appointment to the Board signifies another important step towards achieving the McGowan Government's commitment to increase the representation of women on Government boards.


"Ms Yarran-Mark replaces Mr David Rowe who I wish to thank for his valuable contribution over the last almost four years."

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Minister's office

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