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Trainee plumbers from the Master Plumbers Association recently visited the Bunbury Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to learn firsthand the importance of looking after Bunbury’s wastewater system.

As part of the tour, trainees learned about how the Bunbury WWTP operates and continues to ensure the liveability and sustainability of the local community.

Water Corporation South West Regional Manager John Janssen said it was a great opportunity for the budding plumbers to see how Water Corporation safely treats wastewater and returns it to the environment.

“It was fantastic for the future caretakers of our local wastewater system to visit our Bunbury plant to get a greater understanding of how this essential piece of infrastructure operates,” Mr Janssen said.

Bunbury WWTP has capacity to safely process 13 million litres of wastewater a day from local homes and businesses in the Bunbury and Dalyellup area – equivalent to five Olympic-sized swimming pools.

This secondary treated wastewater, of drinking water quality, is then returned to the ocean via diffusers, ensuring it mixes quickly with seawater preventing impact to the marine environment.

Mr Janssen said the tour also provided the opportunity to reinforce the important role plumbers on the ground fixing wastewater blockages played in encouraging the community to think before they flush.

"Plumbers play a valuable role in helping remind the local community that only pee, paper or poo should be flushed down the loo” he said.

“Items that shouldn’t be flushed like wet wipes, nappies and plastic bags can cause real damage to our wastewater system, homes and the environment, impacting our ability to safely take away wastewater to be treated.”

Wastewater is 99.7 per cent water as it comes mostly from showers, baths and washing machines.

For more information on how to help protect our wastewater system, visit 



Media Enquiries:

Contact: Janine Stewart

Position: South West Region - Senior Advisor Customer and Stakeholder

Phone: (08) 9725 5148