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  • WA Schools Think Tank Challenge winners announced today during National Water Week
  • Students pitched creative solutions to how Perth could become a more waterwise city by 2030
  • A Water Corporation initiative in partnership with Innovation Institute, and supported by Science Teachers' Association of WA

Water Minister Dave Kelly today congratulated the passionate students who pitched creative solutions to an important waterwise question during an inaugural National Water Week event.


Hosted by the Water Corporation, students from six Perth metropolitan schools were challenged to find innovative solutions to the question 'How can Perth become a leading waterwise city by 2030?' at a final pitch event.


Year 9 and 10 students from John Forrest Secondary College; Perth Modern School; and Kinross, Perth, Seton Catholic, and Shenton colleges presented their waterwise solutions at the WA Schools Think Tank final pitch event today.


After engaging and creative presentations, Perth Modern School was announced as the winner of the 2019 WA Schools Think Tank Challenge for their presentation titled Aqua Supply Solutions.


Their creative waterwise solution involved aqua water generators, attitude adjustment and education and close recycled water systems.


The final pitch event followed a series of one-day Think Tank workshops which were held throughout Term 3 and involved 17 Waterwise schools.


The Think Tank workshops encouraged students to work in teams to increase their awareness and understanding of Perth's water cycle, and identify opportunities for growth and innovation to solve key challenges.


For more information on the Water Corporation's Waterwise Schools Program, visit


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"Think Tank events such as these are a great opportunity to engage with students, our future leaders and decision makers, about the importance of being waterwise.


"This year's National Water Week theme is 'It's time to change the world' and it's wonderful to see students highlighting ways Perth can become a better and more waterwise place for generations to come.


"Congratulations and thank you to everyone who put their thinking cap on and participated in the Think Tank challenges."


Minister's office - 6552 6100


Schools that participated in Think Tank event/workshops:

  • Perth College
  • Quairading District High School
  • Morley Senior High School
  • Girrawheen Senior High School
  • John Forrest Secondary College
  • Kinross College
  • Wanneroo Secondary College
  • Coodanup College
  • Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
  • Perth Modern School
  • Pinjarra Senior High School
  • Presbyterian Ladies' College
  • Seton Catholic College
  • Servite College
  • Shenton College
  • Joseph Banks Secondary College
  • John Curtin College of the Arts



Perth-modern-think tank-winners

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Minister's office

Phone: 6552 6100