Greater water security for Karratha with $15.5 million investment
The security of Karratha's water supply will be enhanced with an improved cyclone-proof water storage tank for the city, announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 29 January 2021
Latest water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

$750,000 tree canopy grant program to help combat urban heat
Local governments in Perth and Peel will be able to expand efforts to reduce urban heat under a once-off $750,000 grant program, announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Beautiful birdlife mural soars high at Wungong Dam
The bird watching platform at Wungong Dam in the City of Armadale has been spectacularly brought to life by Western Australian mural artist Brenton See.

Beautiful birdlife mural unwraps $2.5m dam recreational upgrades program
A stunning new birdlife mural at Wungong Dam starts a major upgrade program at some of Water Corporation's popular Perth dam recreational areas, announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Latest wastewater testing results across Perth and regional WA show no unexpected detection of COVID-19
The McGowan Government's comprehensive wastewater testing program across Western Australia has continued to return no expected detection of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 22 January 2021
Latest water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth weekly water update - 15 January 2021
Latest water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Artist adds final stroke to Scarborough’s newest community garden project
Local contemporary Noongar artist Seantelle Walsh has transformed a Water Corporation electrical cabinet in Scarborough into a piece of aquatic art.

Perth weekly water update - 8 January 2021
Latest water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Water Corporation update on Albany to Denmark pipeline
Water Corporation is progressing work to complete construction of the Albany to Denmark pipeline in early 2021.

Water Corporation Board appointments
Water Minister Dave Kelly has today announced the re-appointment of Mr David Lock as Deputy Chairperson of Water Corporation's Board of Directors and welcomed new Director Dr Carla Boehl.