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Councils are invited to submit their expression of interest for the 2024/25 Waterwise Greening Scheme.

Please note that the Scheme is available to Endorsed Waterwise Councils only.

Residents should contact their council for information about whether their council participates in the Scheme.

Submissions close 20 December 2024.

Please note reports are due on 16 May 2025 for greening initiatives completed between 1 May 2024 and 30 April 2025.

Your details

Waterwise greening initiatives

Which initiatives does your Local Government Authority wish to submit an expression of interest for funding in 2024/25? *

Waterwise verge subsidies

Waterwise plant sales

Waterwise garden competitions

Waterwise demonstration gardens

Waterwise street trees

Waterwise garden and verge workshops

Would you like Water Corporation to be involved in any of your initiatives /events ?