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Project goal:

To meet the growth needs of riverside developments in East Perth and surrounding suburbs, Water Corporation will construct 340m of a 440mm diameter water pipe along Wittenoom Street, East Perth to improve water supply in the City of Perth. 


Final approvals pre construction  

Delivery date:

Early 2025

What is happening?

We plan to install a new 340m underground water pipe to improve the supply of water in the City of Perth. 

Where is this happening?

Work will take place along Wittenoom Street, East Perth between Bennett Street and Plain Street.

Please note, the below map is indicative only and is subject to further investigation and final design.

street map overview 

The new water pipe will be installed mainly using open trench excavation within the road reserve.

When is this happening?

Construction work is planned for mid-September and is expected to take three and a half months.

We will notify residents and businesses of a start date closer to the construction commencing.

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Belinda Salvoni - Community Engagement Advisor

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