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Project goal:

To ensure the Woodman Point Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) continues to treat wastewater safely and sustainably from a growing population until at least 2040 in Perth's southern metropolitan region. 



Delivery Date:

Early 2027

Sludge treatment upgrade: To be completed in early 2027.

What's happening?

We finished upgrading the Woodman Point WRRF in 2019, which increased its treatment capacity to up to 180 megalitres per day to cater for population growth. The upgrade also included improvements to the facility’s odour control system.

We are currently upgrading the facility's sludge processing system and expanding its capacity to produce valuable biosolids for industrial and agricultural use. This will involve replacing existing equipment and constructing new state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Where is this happening?

All work is taking place at the Woodman Point WRRF in Munster.

map overview 

Why is this work taking place?

You may already know that valuable resources are recovered from used water at our water resource recovery facilities and recycled for other uses. These resources may include water, biogas and biosolids. Biosolids are produced from the solid material we separate from the liquid as part of the used water treatment process. This solid material known as sludge is further treated and used as fertiliser in broad-acre crops such as wheat, oat, canola, lupins and in forestry applications. We aim to recover 100% of this valuable resource within the Perth metro region.

A by-product of this process is biogas which can also be used as a source of energy either onsite or within other industries. These upgrades will allow nearly 50 per cent of the facility’s energy requirements to be produced on-site through the capture and reuse of biogas. Overall, the project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 5,600 tonnes CO2-e annually as less grid power will be needed to run the facility. 

When is this happening?

We are now upgrading the facility's sludge processing system and expanding its capacity to produce valuable biosolids for industrial and agricultural use. This will involve replacing existing equipment and constructing new state-of-the-art infrastructure.

In April 2023, we awarded the contract for this project, which involves a joint venture of Clough Projects, Jacobs Engineering and Water Corporation - called Integrate.

Work on this project is expected to be completed by early 2027.

How will this impact the community?

All construction is taking place within the Woodman Point Water Resource Recovery Facility, therefore impacts to the local community are expected to be minimal. Currently we are completing bulk earthworks for this project.

Vehicle movements: You may notice a temporary increase in trucks and equipment moving into and out of the facility from Cockburn Road during normal work hours.

Local water and wastewater services: Your water and wastewater services won’t be impacted at all by this work.

Noise and vibration: We don’t expect any noise or vibration impacts to nearby residents or businesses.

Temporary odour: There may be temporary odour impacts at specific times throughout the work. These will be kept to a minimum and we will notify the local community ahead of time.

Visual impacts: Some new infrastructure will be constructed as part of the sludge upgrade which may be visible from some nearby locations. These artist’s impressions have been developed to indicate what you might be able to see from seven different surrounding locations.

View from Pinnacle Road near Mast Way, Coogee

View from Mayor Road near Apium Mews, Lake Coogee

View from Western side of Ingrilli Court, Lake Coogee

View from View Street near East Churchill Avenue, Beeliar

View from Coogee Road north of Hobsons Avenue, Lake Coogee

View from Russell Road, west of Anderson Road, Henderson

How can I stay informed about the project?

This webpage will be kept updated throughout the project. If you have any additional queries, please contact Elecia Piparo, Senior Advisor – Community Engagement. and (08) 9420 3389.

Learn more about how our water resource recovery facilities and wastewater treatment plants work.

Hydrogen Commercial Demonstration Plant

What is happening?

We have partnered with Hazer Group Limited to construct and operate a Hydrogen Commercial Demonstration Plant next to our existing Woodman Point Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF), inside the plant’s boundary.

The plant will convert methane, a bi-product of the wastewater treatment process, to hydrogen and graphite (carbon) using a technology developed out of the University of Western Australia. Hazer aims to produce commercial quantities of hydrogen and carbon, whilst reducing overall emissions, to support the commercialisation of the technology.

Water Corporation supports the Commercial Demonstration Plant as a future endeavour to reduce it's carbon footprint and extract value from waste resources.

Further information on Hazer Group Ltd is available here –

When is this happening?

Construction of the Plant commenced in mid-March 2022 and is now complete. The Commercial Demonstration Plant is expected to operate for three years before being re-assessed. Hazer Group Ltd will be working closely with the Woodman Point WRRF management team and the Integrate Alliance to operate the Commercial Demonstration Plant.

How will this impact me?

Now construction of the plant is complete you may notice that the top of the plant is visible from Lake Coogee. During design of the demonstration plant, every effort was made to reduce the visual amenity impact, including sinking the plant and ensuring structures are painted to blend into the environment as much as possible.

Further information?

Hazer Group and Water Corporation will continue to keep the community informed of the development of the plant. For further information or queries please contact us on 13 13 75.

Community Reference Group

The Woodman Point Water Resource Recovery Facility Community Reference Group is a dedicated volunteer group that represents community members living in close proximity to the plant. The group is independently chaired and meets regularly to provide community insight and feedback to inform our operations. If you would like more information, or to contact the group, please email

Elecia Piparo - Community Engagement Advisor

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