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Project goal:

An ongoing state-wide hydrant and valve maintenance program to test and ensure their reliability. Followed by a program of works to replace hydrants and valves which are found to be broken or in disrepair.


In construction

Delivery date:


What's happening? 

The maintenance work will check if the hydrant can produce water, identify ageing infrastructure which needs replacing to prevent future leaks and breaks, and ensure our hydrants comply with current fire management standards.

Hydrant: A connection point for firefighters to access water from the local water supply scheme. Most hydrants and valves are in residential verges covered by white a lid.

Valve: Controls the flow of water through the water pipes.

How will this impact the community? 

  • Residents may notice operators testing the hydrant to check it can produce water.
  • If the hydrant needs to be replaced there may be an increase in noise, dust, and activity. 
  • Residents may notice more vehicles and noise near their property if they live near a hydrant or valve.
  • This work may result in temporary interruptions to water service.If a temporary water supply interruption is required for operators to complete the work safely and flush the network:
    • All attempts to avoid and reduce impact to the community will be considered before progressing work.
    • We will aim to keep water outages under 6 hours.
    • Residents will be notified at least 48 hours before a planned water outage.
    • Residents may notice reduced pressure once water has been switched off. This will slowly return to normal after work is complete.
    • We will turn the water back on slowly to minimise air in the pipes and water discolouration.
  • Our construction methods may mean unavoidable impact to properties, roads, footpaths, and verges, including reticulation. Access to footpaths may be restricted and will be made safe until permanently repaired. Disturbed driveways or verges will be restored to original condition once work is complete. We will work closely with customers impacted by this.
  • Traffic management will be in place if required for our maintenance and replacement activities.
  • Customers may notice a tanker in the area which is used to collect excess water. This water is re-used where possible.

We remind customers living in high bushfire risk areas that an independent water supply is necessary, should you choose to stay and actively defend your home. All efforts are made to maintain scheme water supply during a bushfire, however damaged infrastructure or a cut to power may result in a total loss of water. See Bushfires & water supply for more information.

We have been working with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) to ensure fire hydrants across the state comply with the agreed design standards. 

As part of this commitment, we have an ongoing program of works to replace fire hydrants across WA. 

Where is hydrant and valve replacement taking place?

This table outlines the regional locations where hydrant and valve maintenance is taking place for the Mid West region.
Where Dates Status
Carnarvon February - May 2024 In progress
Geraldton May 2024 Not started
 Northampton  April 2024  Not started
Woodridge May 2024 Not started

This table outlines the regional locations where hydrant and valve maintenance is taking place for the Goldfields and Agricultural region.
Where Dates Status
Kalgoorlie July-August 2023 Completed

This table outlines the regional locations where hydrant and valve maintenance is taking place for the Great Southern region.
Where Dates Status
Albany To be confirmed Not started
Boddington To be confirmed Not started
Brookton May 2024 Not started
Broomehill  April 2024  Not started
Esperance To be confirmed Not started
Narrogin To be confirmed Not started
Wagin April 2024 Not started

This table outlines the regional locations where hydrant and valve maintenance is taking place for the South West region.
Where Dates Status
 Augusta  January - March 2024  In progress
 Australind  February - March 2024  In progress
Bridgetown To be confirmed Not started
 Capel  January - February 2024  In progress
 Margaret River  December 2023 - April 2024  In progress
Nannup April - May 2024 Not started
Pemberton April - May 2024 Not started
 Peppermint Grove Beach  February - March 2024  In progress

This table outlines the regional locations where hydrant and valve maintenance is taking place for the North West region.
Where Dates Status
Broome Mid 2024 Not started
Fitzroy Crossing Mid 2024 Not started
Karratha December 2023 - March 2024 Not started
Kununurra Mid 2024 In progress
Onslow Mid 2024 Not Started
Roebourne December 2023 - March 2024 In progress
Wickham December 2023 - March 2024 In progress

The hydrant is usually situated within the verge with a reflective white lid to help firefighters locate the hydrants at night.

The street markings include a white H and triangle on the kerb, a red H on the power pole or a white pole where there is no kerb.

Shipping Standpipe

Hose Operation

Hydrant marking on road

As most local governments have passed on the responsibility of maintaining verges to the resident, you can assist firefighters in responding quickly to emergencies by keeping the hydrant clear of obstructions (E.g. lawn, plants and other obstructions like vehicles, caravans, and boats).

Our operators, or your local firefighters, may leave a card in the mailbox if they were unable to access the hydrant for maintenance when visiting your property. By keeping the hydrant clear of vegetation and parking away from the hydrant, you can assist firefighters when responding to an emergency. 

Our operators will return in the next maintenance cycle to maintain the hydrant. In the meantime, your local firefighters may visit your property to check the hydrant box is clear of obstructions and get to know the area.

Regional Hydrant and Valves Replacement Team