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Project goal:

To reline old wastewater pipes, protecting the local wastewater system, homes and environment.


In construction

Delivery Date:


What's happening?

Sewer relining is an ongoing program to renew ageing wastewater pipes. This work is completed by our authorised contractors. Where possible, pipes are relined using trenchless technology.

This means we won’t need to dig anything up to replace the pipes, minimising the impact on the local community. Check out the tab ‘How does it work’ for more information.

Where is this happening?

Work areas with relevant commencement dates:

  • Northam (extended): May 2023 to March 2024 - To view aerial maps with street names please select the relevant Work Map available under 'Related documents'
  • Perth metropolitan region: January 2024 to June 2024 - We will be working across many suburbs. To view areas of work, please select the 'Work Areas' tab

Why is this work taking place?

To ensure our central wastewater system continues to be safe and reliable. The work will extend the life of this important infrastructure by at least 50 years.

When is this happening?

Sewer relining is an ongoing project across the state which started over 10 years ago.  

How will this impact the community?

Work activities

Nearby residents may notice more activity in the area. Noise from generators and vehicles and temporary odour. Work will be approved in advance by your local government authority.

Generally, we will be in one area for no more than six days at a time as we progress work along the wastewater route. If required, traffic management will be in place to direct people around the work area.

Access to property

Contractors will be working in both verges and/or roads and may work in the boundary of private properties. If crews need access to your property, they will contact you to discuss the work and arrange entry. They will only need access to your back or front yard and will not need to enter your home.

During the work

If you experience any odour in your bathroom, flush your toilet and pour water down the floor drain. Where possible, please close all toilet covers during this period.

In the rare instance wastewater does overflow out of your toilet, please notify the relevant contractor immediately. The contractor will assess the issue, work with you to organise a clean-up and notify the Department of Health. 

Caption describing what the table is about for screen readers
Step 1 - Pipes are checked via CCTV
To determine exactly what we need to do to fix them.
Step 1 - Pipes are checked via CCTV 
Step 2 - Pipes are cleaned
High pressure water is jetted through the pipes. It may cause some odour or on a rare occasion, spurting from your toilet. We therefore advise to keep the toilet lid down. If water does spurt out of the toilet, please contact the Interflow Project Manager immediately.
Step 1 - Pipes are cleaned
Step 3 - Pipes are relined
A new liner is installed inside the old pipe by a machine and forms a new pipe.
 Step 3 - Pipes are relined
Step 4 - New pipe is connected
Lateral lines (property connections) are reconnected to the new pipe and junctions are sealed to protect the new pipe. This opens the connection to provide access to the system.
 Step 4 - New pipe is connected
Step 5 - Pipes are checked
This ensures that the job has been done properly. If we find any issues, we'll come back and fix it. We may need to return to the area to repeat the above steps.
 Step 5 - Pipes are checked

City of Bayswater

City of Belmont

City of East Fremantle

City of Fremantle

City of Melville

City of Nedlands

City of Perth

City of South Perth

City of Stirling

City of Subiaco

City of Vincent

City of Wanneroo

Shire of Peppermint Grove

Town of Cambridge

Town of Mosman Park

Contact us

24 hour Faults, Emergencies and Security Line

Gabrielle Nind - Community Engagement Advisor