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Opening date: 10am WST, Thursday 9 May 2024
Closing date: 2:30pm WST, Thursday 13 June 2024

Bid Invitation Number: 7000014215

We are inviting organisations with suitable experience, capability and capacity to deliver the Alkimos DN1400 Trunk Main Section A from the Seawater Desalination Plant to the Yanchep Rail Extension to Alkimos.

This project is intended to include the design, construction and commissioning including tie-ins to existing pipelines. 

If you're not a registered Water Corporation supplier or bidder, please complete the online supplier registration form. Please be aware, this may take up to five working days to process. 

It is mandatory that all bidders are granted Water Corporation Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Prequalification, at the level nominated in the bid invitation before contract award. This application can be lodged via our website.

Enquiries should be directed to

Janet Dahl