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Project goal:

We are upgrading the Mandurah Gordon Road Water Resource Recovery Facility. These upgrades will cater for future growth in Mandurah and surrounding areas.


In construction


October 2022 to early 2025  

What's happening?

To cater for growth in Mandurah and surrounds over the next 15 years, we are upgrading the Mandurah Gordon Road Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). These upgrades include:

  • Increasing the plant wastewater treatment capacity from 12 to 15.5 Mega (million) litres per day
  • This will involve the design and construction of new concrete tanks, switchroom, mechanical refurbishment of existing equipment and upgrades to pumps and pipework within the site

Where is this happening?

This work is taking place at the Gordon Road WRRF, which is on the corner of Gordon Road and Mandjoogoordap Drive in Mandurah.  

Why is this taking place?

The WRRF’s capacity is being upgraded to cater for future growth within Mandurah and surrounding districts until 2036. The population is expected to increase by 28,000 people during this time.

When is this happening? 

Construction commenced in October 2022 and is expected to be completed in early 2025.

All work will be at the WRRF site, with limited impact on the community. Work is approved to take place 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 5pm on Sunday. 

How will this impact the community?  

There will be an increase in noise and activity during construction, however we will do what we can to minimise impacts.  

February 2024

The team has recently completed construction of a new concrete storage tank and control room. The upgrades to the pump stations have also been assembled and successfully tested.

In the coming months work will focus on building the remaining concrete structures, installing underground pipe work and conducting electrical work with associated testing.

October 2023

Nearby residents may experience an increase in construction noise. This work began Monday, 30 October 2023 and is scheduled to be completed Wednesday, 1 November 2023. The work will be completed during the working hours of 7am-5pm.

Taylor O’Dea - Community Engagement Advisor

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