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Project goal:

We are committed to ensuring safe and secure water for our customers. We are carrying out maintenance work on our existing water bores and expanding our deep groundwater network to secure Perth’s drinking water supply.


In construction

Delivery Date:

2023 to 2028

What's happening?

We are carrying out maintenance work to reline some of our aging bores across the metropolitan area. Using a crane, we will lower 6 meter sections of steel casings into the bore, welding each section as it is lowered into place. To ensure the water is not contaminated, we will then chlorinate and remove the water from the bore. 

We are also drilling new deep underground bores to support the expansion of our groundwater network. This is part of our plan to secure Perth’s water supply.

Where is this happening?

The location of these sites has largely been informed by studies undertaken by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation that looked at how best to recharge to and abstract from Perth’s deep underground aquifers. We have also worked closely with local government authorities on where these bores should be located.

We have drilled bores at our Neerabup Groundwater Treatment Plant in Tamala Park, Lysander Reserve in Heathridge, Gradient Park and Beldon Park in Beldon, and Sheldrake Reserve in Gwelup.

The existing bores that have already been relined are situated at our reserve on Cordroy Way Hamersley and Grindleford Reserve Balcatta.  

Why is this work taking place?

We are ensuring the continued supply of safe and secure water for Perth's growing population.

When is this happening?

With approved contractor AGE Developments, we will be starting maintenance work from September 2024 to June 2025. These sites include Two Rocks, Bold Park, Banjup, and West Perth.

We are currently still in the planning phase for our the following financial year's bores, with the project progressing through design and approvals. We anticipate that we will start drilling investigation for the new bores in 2025/26. 

How will this impact the community?

Residents living near the bore sites may notice construction activity within working hours. There will be increased activity and noise near the bore site as we will be using a crane to lift the 6-meter casings into place. You may notice construction vehicles coming in and out of the site.

We appreciate that this work may cause temporary inconvenience and disruption while we carry out this essential maintenance. We will be mindful of residents and try to keep the disruptions to a minimum.

To ensure the site remains protected and safe, we will have a Water Corporation approved security guard on site outside of working hours. 

What’s the difference between the types of bores?

The recharge and monitoring bores are being constructed as part of the Groundwater Replenishment Scheme Expansion. The recharge bores will allow us to recharge highly treated, drinking quality recycled water into Perth’s deep underground aquifers to be stored for future abstraction, treatment and use. The monitoring bores will be used to sample groundwater at these locations.

The abstraction bores are being constructed to compliment the Groundwater Replenishment Scheme Expansion, allowing us to draw additional groundwater from Perth’s deep underground aquifers for treatment and use.

How are the bores constructed?

Construction involves site preparation and geotechnical surveys, drilling of the deep underground bores in stages, followed by construction of the above ground bore infrastructure including a pump and an electrical building.

How deep are the bores?

Bores are being drilled to Perth’s two deepest confined aquifers – the Leederville Aquifer between around 300 metres and 500 metres deep and the Yarragadee Aquifer between around 900 metres and 1400 metres deep.

Will construction of the bores impact my private bore?

No. We are drilling to Perth’s two deepest aquifers whereas private bores interact with the shallowest aquifer known as the Superficial Aquifer. As these aquifers are confined, they do not interact with each other.

Will construction of the bores impact local lakes and waterways?

No. We are drilling to Perth’s two deepest aquifers whereas lakes and waterways interact with the shallowest aquifer known as the Superficial Aquifer. As these aquifers are confined, they do not interact with each other.

Contact Us

Joshua Olsen - Community Engagement Senior Advisor

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