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  • The Winter Sprinkler Switch-off is in place from June 1 to August 31 each year
  • The switch-off saved about five billion litres of scheme water in winter 2017
  • Every drop of water you save reduces the cost of your water bill 

Water Minister Dave Kelly today reminded households, businesses and councils in Perth, Mandurah, and parts of the South-West and Great Southern regions that with winter officially starting tomorrow (June 1) they needed to switch off garden sprinklers.


Last year, the Winter Sprinkler Switch-off saved nearly five billion litres of precious water - enough water to fill up Optus Stadium five times.


All scheme and domestic bore water users need to switch off sprinklers from June 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018. Hand watering is still permitted.


The Winter Sprinkler Switch-off also applies to many licensed groundwater users that irrigate areas of non-commercial turf, lawn and gardens.


Groundwater licence conditions may allow for the watering of active sporting areas to maintain safe use, for bore maintenance and to establish new lawns and gardens for a limited period.


For more information, visit the Winter Sprinkler Switch-off page and to find out more about licensed bore water, visit


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"With winter starting tomorrow we have five billion reasons to turn our sprinklers off, as that's how many litres of precious water we can save in three months.


"Climate change continues to impact our water supplies in the south-west of Western Australia, and we all have a responsibility to do our bit to save water.


"From as far south as Albany, throughout the South-West and across Perth, it simply doesn't rain as much as it used to.


"Since 1996, rainfall between May and July has declined by 25 per cent from the long-term average.


"Now it's raining, turning sprinklers off for winter is one of the simplest ways to save water when the garden doesn't need it, and will also help to save money on water bills."


Minister's office - 6552 6100


List of local government areas where the Winter Sprinkler Switch-off applies


Perth and Mandurah South-West/Great Southern
City of Armadale City of Albany
City of Bayswater City of Bunbury
City of Belmont City of Busselton
City of Canning Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
City of Cockburn Shire of Boyup Brook
City of Fremantle Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
City of Gosnells Shire of Capel
City of Joondalup Shire of Collie
City of Mandurah Shire of Cranbrook
City of Melville Shire of Dardanup
City of Nedlands Shire of Denmark
City of Perth Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
City of Rockingham Shire of Harvey
City of South Perth Shire of Manjimup
City of Stirling Shire of Nannup
City of Subiaco Shire of Plantagenet
City of Swan Shire of Waroona
City of Vincent
City of Wanneroo
Shire of Kalamunda
Shire of Mundaring
Shire of Murray
Shire of Peppermint Grove
Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
Town of Bassendean
Town of Cambridge
Town of Claremont
Town of Cottesloe
Town of East Fremantle
Town of Kwinana
Town of Mosman Park
Town of Victoria Park

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Minister's office

Phone: 6552 6100