Don’t risk your life relying on scheme water during a bushfire
Water Corporation is reminding Western Australians in bushfire-prone areas not to rely on scheme water if staying to defend their property during a bushfire.

Enjoy your visit and follow the rules at Harvey Dam
Water Corporation and the Shire of Harvey are reminding those fishing and recreating at Harvey Dam to follow the rules to ensure all visitors can enjoy a happy and safe experience.

Cervantes, Jurien Bay and Nambung bushfire – impact to water services
Residents in Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Green Head, Leeman and Nambung, Shire of Dandaragan, should not rely on mains (scheme) water supply, as a bushfire impacts power supply to local water infrastructure.

Bin it, don’t sink it to avoid a Christmas headache, says Water Corporation
Water Corporation is reminding Western Australians not to pour fats, oils and grease from those festive feasts down the drain this Christmas after responding to 1,152 preventable wastewater blockages state-wide in 2022.

Water Corporation partnership to assist with cost-of-living pressures
Customers struggling with cost-of-living pressures will be supported in paying their water bill, through a renewed partnership with the Western Australian Council of Social Services (WACOSS) announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Water outage impacting town of Corrigin
Emergency works to restore water to the Town of Corrigin are now complete.

Water supply in Pemberton - restricting non-essential water use
Residents in Pemberton are being asked to restrict their water use to essential purposes only for the next 48 hours (Friday 9 to Sunday 11 December 2022 inclusive) to help maintain water supply for firefighting.

Water outage affecting Myalup, Shire of Harvey
Water Corporation is undertaking emergency repairs to a damaged water main in Myalup, which has left the town’s scheme water supply temporarily offline.

Water Corporation partners with local wildlife group to give orphaned possums a new home
Water Corporation has joined forces with Busselton wildlife care group FAWNA (Fostering and Assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid) to help give sick and orphaned possums a new home.

Important reminder not to rely on scheme water during a bushfire
Water Minister Dave Kelly has reminded residents in bushfire prone areas to consider their water supply in preparation for a challenging bushfire season.

Water Corporation launches landmark Aboriginal engagement strategy
Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced that the proportion of Water Corporation contracts awarded to Aboriginal suppliers has grown for the third year in a row, as the State Government-owned utility launches a landmark Aboriginal engagement strategy.
Water Corporation supporting seagrass restoration in Cockburn Sound
Water Corporation is partnering with OzFish, Australia’s only recreational fishing charity, to help restore seagrass meadows in Cockburn Sound, boost WA’s pink snapper population and help protect Perth’s coastline.

Water Corporation and Clontarf Foundation partner to open doors to water industry careers
Five Clontarf Foundation students have had a glimpse into a career as a water operator during a recent visit to Water Corporation’s Timewell Road Wastewater Treatment Plant in Albany.

$58 million contract brings large water mains manufacturing to WA
Extra-large steel water pipes will be produced in Western Australia for the first time, under a new $58 million Water Corporation contract supporting local jobs and manufacturing, announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Perth Monthly Water Update - November 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Winds of change blowing as Water Corporation powers towards net zero future
The McGowan Government is taking the next significant step towards achieving its target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions after announcing Water Corporation has secured the development rights of what will be one of Western Australia's largest renewable wind energy projects

Water restored to residents in Swan View, Jane Brook and Stratton
Water has now been restored to all residents in Swan View, Jane Brook and Stratton following emergency repairs to a damaged water main.

New pipelines to support growth in City of Swan
The McGowan Government is investing $36.5 million in new water and wastewater infrastructure to cater for residential growth in the City of Swan under separate projects announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.
Waterwise initiatives helping WA public schools save millions of litres of precious water
Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced a new cross-government partnership and program designed to help State schools save precious groundwater.

Harvey River restoration project recognised at state awards
A unique project to support marine life in the Harvey River was recognised at the annual Western Australian Water Association Awards in Perth last week.

Local artist adds splash of colour to East Fremantle
The Swan River (Derbarl Yerrigan) is the inspiration behind a colourful community artwork now adorning a brick wastewater pump station in East Fremantle.

Perth Monthly Water Update - October 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Residents in West Perth advised of low water pressure for essential works
Water Corporation is advising residents in West Perth of possible reduced water pressure from 10pm Sunday 30 October to 6am Monday 31 October during essential works to replace two water main valves in Kings Park.

Students celebrated as waterwise competition reaches new heights
Western Australian high school students have pitched a series of innovative water-saving ideas to industry experts at the annual event attended by Water Minister Dave Kelly today.

North-West public housing tenants to benefit from improved water efficiency and lower bills
More than 300 public housing tenants in Roebourne, Wickham, Halls Creek, Karratha and Exmouth will have their homes retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures from November under the McGowan Government’s Waterwise Public Housing Project.

Water-saving offers available to Great Southern towns
Water Minister Dave Kelly has encouraged Great Southern residents to take advantage of free waterwise offers available as part of Water Corporation's 2022-23 Waterwise Towns Program.

North-West residents encouraged to take up waterwise offers
Residents in Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Karratha, Onslow, Point Samson, Port Hedland, Roebourne, South Hedland, Wedgefield and Wickham can again take advantage of free waterwise offers as part of Water Corporation's 2022-23 Waterwise Towns Program.

Free water-saving products and advice available to Mid-West towns
Residents in Exmouth, Jurien Bay, Cue, Sandstone and Meekatharra can now take advantage of free waterwise offers as part of Water Corporation's 2022-23 Waterwise Towns Program.

Free waterwise showerheads now available to Goldfields households
Water Minister Dave Kelly is encouraging Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Kambalda, and Coolgardie residents to swap inefficient showerheads for waterwise alternatives as part of the 2022-23 Waterwise Towns program.

Waterwise offers extended to South West holiday hotspots
Residents in the towns of Dunsborough and Yallingup can now join 13 other South-West communities in claiming a free irrigation or plumbing service, or swap an inefficient showerhead for a waterwise alternative as part of the 2022-23 Waterwise Towns program.

New waterwise plan to make Perth-Peel more climate-resilient
To mark the start of National Water Week, Water Minister Dave Kelly today launched Kep Katitjin - Gabi Kaadadjan, the second Waterwise Perth Action Plan for Perth and Peel which builds on the successful first plan released in 2019.

Regional WA’s largest concrete water tank to enhance water quality and security for Merredin
Water Minister Dave Kelly has announced the completion of a 42 million-litre concrete water storage tank in Merredin, the largest of its kind in regional WA, to help improve water quality and supply security.

Perth Monthly Water Update - September 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Essential water network works planned in Swan View, Greenmount, Stratton and Jane Brook
Residents in parts of Swan View, Greenmount, Stratton and Jane Brook are advised of potential reduced water pressure or interrupted supply overnight on Sunday, 9 October 2022 to allow for essential upgrade works.

Global recognition for Perth’s expanded water recycling scheme
The State Government's pioneering groundwater replenishment scheme has been judged as one of the best water innovations in the world after picking up a bronze award at last week's biennial International Water Association (IWA) Project Innovation Awards in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Essential works to wastewater network – City of South Perth and City of Melville
Water Corporation is planning important repair works to a wastewater main under the Mount Henry Bridge from 8 September 2022.

Water Corporation murals splash down in Whitfords
Whitfords' sun-kissed coastal lifestyle and local birdlife have inspired two new public murals, unveiled this week by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Injured kangaroos set to thrive thanks to Kimberley Community Grant
A Derby wildlife rescue group has successfully rehabilitated and released several injured and at-risk animals, thanks to a $4,000 grant from Water Corporation and Lions Club of Broome.

Perth's winter rainfall below long-term average despite wet August
Despite Perth's wettest August in more than four years, winter rainfall across the metropolitan area was significantly below average in another stark reminder of the impact of climate change on traditional water sources.

East Cannington Reserve rejuvenated into a safer, greener community space
Residents were welcomed back to East Cannington Reserve over the weekend with Water Corporation and City of Canning holding a community event to mark completion of a project to enhance flood protection in the area.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 26 August 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

$320m investment doubles Perth’s rainfall-independent water source
Perth's water future has been further secured following the commissioning of a major $320 million expansion of Water Corporation's Groundwater Replenishment Scheme (GRS), announced today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.
Perth Weekly Water Update - 19 August 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Sewer main emergency repair works – Town of Cottesloe
Water Corporation is conducting emergency repairs to a damaged sewer main at Car Park One on Marine Parade, Cottesloe.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 12 August 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Overnight water outage for Swan View, Greenmount, Stratton and Jane Brook – 8-9 August 2022
Residents in parts of Swan View, Greenmount, Stratton and Jane Brook will experience no water or low pressure from 9pm Monday, 8 August to 5am Tuesday, 9 August while Water Corporation conducts emergency overnight repairs in Swan View.

Waterwise ideas on tap at 2022 WA Schools Think Tank Challenge
Students from 22 secondary schools across the state gathered this week to put innovation into action during the 2022 WA Schools Think Tank Challenge.

$17.6m replacement water tank to enhance water security for Karratha
Water Minister Dave Kelly has today announced the completion of a 20-million-litre concrete water tank in Karratha, which will help safeguard the city's water supply during extreme weather events.

Waterwise Greening Scheme reaches new heights
Ahead of National Tree Day on Sunday, Water Minister Dave Kelly has commended local governments for their commitment to greener, waterwise communities after a record number of street trees were planted in the latest round of Water Corporation's Waterwise Greening Scheme.

Submissions sought for 22 historic sites on Goldfields pipeline
A collection of 22 culturally significant heritage sites within Western Australia's 119-year-old Goldfields Water Supply Scheme is being considered for inclusion in the State Register of Heritage Places.
Perth Weekly Water Update - 22 July 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Final stage of $25.7 million program to improve water quality in Murchison complete
The final stage of a $25.7 million project to improve water quality in the Murchison is now complete, with Water Minister Dave Kelly today announcing completion of an advanced water treatment plant at Meekatharra.

$2.4 million wastewater project delivered to support growing tourism industry in Coral Bay
The growth of Western Australia's Ningaloo Region as a major tourist destination has been bolstered thanks to a $2.4 million upgrade of wastewater infrastructure in Coral Bay funded by the McGowan Government.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 15 July 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Water industry careers in focus for Narrogin students
Seven Clontarf Foundation students from Narrogin Senior High School were given a unique insight into careers in the water industry during a recent visit to Water Corporation’s Bottle Creek dam and pump station.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 8 July 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Exmouth sets sights on 24 million litre water target as WA’s newest waterwise council
The Shire of Exmouth has earned special recognition as WA's newest waterwise council and is on target to reduce its water use by 24 million litres this year.

Three aquatic centres join the waterwise ranks at industry awards
Aquatic centres in Northam and Perth have received special recognition for their commitment to water efficiency at the annual Aquatic Recreation Industry Awards held 30 June.
New renewably-powered desalination plant planned for Alkimos
Alkimos has been selected as the preferred location for the State's next major water source - a renewably-powered seawater desalination plant that will provide safe, secure drinking water to millions of Western Australians.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 17 June 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

New species of freshwater sponge discovered in Wyndham
A new species of freshwater sponge has been discovered in Wyndham. This is the first time the genus has been reported in Australia.

Planned water outage for Swan View, Greenmount, Stratton and Jane Brook
Residents in parts of Swan View, Greenmount, Stratton and Jane Brook will be without water from 9pm Tuesday, 14 June to 4am Wednesday, 15 June while our crews undertake essential maintenance work to replace a water valve.

Kimberley community groups benefit from $70,000 in Water Corporation grants
Eleven not-for-profit groups in the Kimberley have been awarded funding totalling more than $70,000, as part of Water Corporation's Kimberley Community Grants Scheme.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 3 June 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Switch off and help save up to five billion litres of water this winter
Water Minister Dave Kelly has reminded households and businesses to switch off garden irrigation by June 1 to help save around five billion litres of precious water - enough water to fill Optus Stadium five times.

Perth weekly water update - 27 May 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Two Rocks community advised of temporary low water pressure for emergency works
Water Corporation is advising residents in Two Rocks of possible reduced water pressure from 9pm Monday 30 May to 6am Tuesday 31 May for emergency works to a damaged water tank outlet.

Celebrating Aboriginal culture in Derby for Reconciliation Week
The Holy Rosary School in Derby has created an inclusive garden space for students to come together to learn Aboriginal history, local language and cultural stories while sustainably growing their own bush food and vegetables.

Perth weekly water update - 20 May 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

$15 million pipeline to secure long-term water supply to South-West communities
Water supply to the South-West communities of Mullalyup and Kirup is now more secure following the completion of a $15 million pipeline, announced by Water Minister Dave Kelly today.

Warning comes after increase in illegal activity near Ord River Diversion Dam
Water Corporation and the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley have issued a warning over the dangers of illegally fishing and recreating within restricted areas of the Ord River Diversion Dam.

Perth weekly water update - 13 May 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

New bridge to view world-famous Wellington Dam mural
The McGowan Government will build a new bridge to enhance the safety of visitors to Collie's world-famous Wellington Dam mural, with $10 million allocated towards the project in the 2022-2023 State Budget.

Innovation drives water efficiency among WA’s top waterwise businesses and buildings
Water Minister Dave Kelly has congratulated Western Australia's leading waterwise businesses and office buildings for helping save an estimated combined 12 billion litres of precious drinking water in 2020-21.

Special praise for WA’s top waterwise councils and aquatic centres
Water Minister Dave Kelly has crowned the City of Joondalup as WA's Platinum Waterwise Council of the Year at a special ceremony acknowledging the water-saving success of local governments and aquatic centres.

WA housing developers celebrated for commitment to water-sensitive urban design
Three innovative housing developments were today recognised for their commitment to water-sensitive urban design at a special ceremony hosted by Water Corporation.

Limited time left to claim free Great Southern waterwise offers
Households in select Great Southern regional towns are being encouraged to help save water in the home by taking advantage of Water Corporation’s waterwise offers before the end of May.
Perth Weekly Water Update - 22 April 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Work starts to replace 100-year-old water pipes on Beaufort Street
Vital upgrades to 100-year-old water mains on Beaufort Street will start next week to bolster supply reliability for residents and businesses along the bustling café strip.

Healthy snack options ripe for the picking at new Yakanarra community garden
Healthy breakfast and snack options will soon be on the menu at a remote Kimberley community thanks to a new citrus garden planted using a grant from Water Corporation and the Lions Club of Broome.

Voting open in Water Corporation's 2022 Community Choice Awards
Waterwise projects in the City of Mandurah, Town of Bassendean, Shire of Murray and City of Bayswater have been shortlisted for Water Corporation’s 2022 Community Choice Awards, with voting open until Friday, 22 April.
Perth Weekly Water Update - 31 March 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Funding now available to kickstart community projects in the Kimberley
Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced the opening of Water Corporation's Kimberley Community Grants Scheme that offers individual grants of up to $10,000 to Kimberley schools and not-for-profit groups.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 25 March 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Rockingham's beachside culture celebrated in new community artworks
Rockingham's iconic coastal lifestyle is the inspiration for two public murals that have transformed indistinct water assets into vibrant community artworks.

Further experience added to Water Corporation board
Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced the appointment of social equity advocate and former WA Member of Parliament, Janine Freeman, to Water Corporation's Board of Directors.

Waterwise message in the spotlight for World Water Day 2022
The impact of climate change on Perth's water sources is in the spotlight as part of World Water Day 2022, with a recent survey showing many people still believe rainfall is Perth's primary drinking water source.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 18 March 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Discoloured water alert for Joondanna, Mount Hawthorn, North Perth and Mount Lawley - 11-12 March 2022
Customers in Joondanna, Mount Hawthorn, North Perth and Mount Lawley may be experiencing discoloured water following essential valve and pipeline works that has stirred up harmless sediment in the pipes.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 11 March 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 4 March 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Water deficiency declared in the Shire of Esperance - Salmon Gums and Grass Patch
Water Minister Dave Kelly has today declared a water deficiency in Salmon Gums and Grass Patch in the Shire of Esperance and announced the State Government will begin carting water for eligible farmers from Tuesday March 1, 2022 for animal welfare needs.

Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes bushfire - Hester Dam water source being reinstated
Updates from Water Corporation on the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes bushfire.

Illegal marron fishing results in successful prosecution
A 52-year-old Jarrahdale man has been fined more than $9,000, including penalties, for taking 79 marron during the closed season for marron fishing.

Shires of Dumbleyung and Wickepin - normal water supply restored
Water Corporation advises repairs to a bushfire-damaged water main between Wickepin and Dumbleyung are complete and normal water supply has been restored.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 18 February 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Financial relief for bushfire-affected Western Australians
The McGowan Government today announced further support for those affected by the impacts of recent bushfires in the State's Great Southern, South-West and Wheatbelt regions in the form of ongoing relief from Synergy, Water Corporation and Western Power.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 11 February 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Lake Argyle picnic area temporarily closed for maintenance works
Water Corporation is undertaking essential maintenance works on the road to the Lake Argyle picnic area following damage sustained from recent heavy rainfall events.

New water pipeline to cater for Perth’s booming south-east
Housing development in Perth's south-east will be supported for years to come following completion of a 2.1 kilometres water pipeline servicing the fast-growing suburbs of Mundijong and Whitby.

Get back to nature at revamped Churchman Brook dam
A new nature playground at the Water Corporation's Churchman Brook dam is the centrepiece of upgraded visitor facilities at the popular Perth dam, unveiled today by Water Minister Dave Kelly.

Kimberley residents advised to avoid floodwaters
Kimberley residents are advised to avoid contact with floodwaters which may have been contaminated by wastewater in the wake of rapid, heavy rainfall overnight.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 28 January 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth Weekly Water Update - 17 January 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Broome business to support major upgrade of local water and wastewater infrastructure
Water Minister Dave Kelly has announced the start of a major upgrade to water and wastewater infrastructure in Broome, with a local Aboriginal business appointed to deliver the project's first stage.

Water Corporation to lower Lake Kununurra for essential work
Water Corporation will lower the water level of Lake Kununurra for two weeks from 7 January 2022 to 21 January 2022 to complete important maintenance work to the irrigation scheme.