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  • A new partnership provides $150,000 over three years to support Funds for Freedom
  • Program will help women make a fresh start following domestic violence
  • Water Corporation employees now have access to 10 days of family and domestic violence leave as well as specialised support

Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced a new partnership between the Water Corporation and Women's Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA) to assist women and their families impacted by domestic violence.


The State Government, through the Water Corporation, will support the Funds for Freedom program with $150,000 over three years to fund organisations across Western Australia that help support some of its most vulnerable customers.


The Funds for Freedom program is co-ordinated by the Women's Council and provides grants that can be used to purchase practical items such as whitegoods when setting up a new home. 


The program has a proven track record of reducing the financial stress for women needing to move home, by helping to provide a sense of economic independence as well as practical assistance.


Earlier this year, the Water Corporation also introduced 10 days per year of family and domestic violence leave for all employees, and the creation of two Family and Domestic Violence Support Officer roles within the organisation.


The Water Corporation is also working towards Workplace Accreditation for White Ribbon Australia to demonstrate from the most senior level down, organisation-wide support for cultural change to prevent domestic violence and promote respect between men and women.


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"As a result of a McGowan Government policy decision, all Water Corporation employees now have access to 10 days' family and domestic violence leave.


"With this partnership we're helping to ensure Water Corporation employees who access this leave also have access to financial assistance, in the event they need to relocate.


"Setting up a new home after leaving a domestic violence relationship is never easy, but we want to help take some of the stress out of the situation. 


"Through this partnership we hope to assist an additional 90 to 100 women around the State each year to establish a new home and start a new life.


"Funds for Freedom helps women and children to make a fresh start after leaving their homes because of domestic and family violence, and financial freedom is crucial to this."


Comments attributed to Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence Minister Simone McGurk:


"Nationally, one in four Australian women have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner. We also know that less than 20 per cent of women who experience violence from an intimate partner report it to the police. 


"This is about government and the community working together to stop family and domestic violence, and the Water Corporation is showing WA what strong leadership looks like."

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Minister's office - 6552 6100