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Millars Well Primary School in Karratha celebrated 20 years enrolled in Water Corporation’s Waterwise Schools Program at a special assembly last Friday. Millars-Well-Waterwise-Primary-School


Over the last two decades teachers at the school have educated students on the need to value, protect and conserve water resources.


Water Corporation North West Regional Manager, Rino Trolio, thanked the school for sharing the waterwise message.


“It is so important for the next generation to understand the value of water and adopt waterwise habits in their daily lives,” Mr Trolio said.


 “We hope to inspire all young people to develop a positive, life-long commitment to sustainable water use.


“I’d like to thank Millars Well Primary School for your dedication to the Waterwise Schools Program – and we look forward to the next 10 years.”


Millars Well Primary School Principal, Weston Jackson, said that students were highly aware of the responsible use of water and its importance to the environment.


“Following a recent whole school water audit, we replaced all leaking taps and fittings and installed sensor flush fittings in all toilets to help save water,” Mr Jackson said.


“School environmental prefects were appointed to promote the responsible use of water, and senior students are all involved in hand watering our communal garden.”


Further information about the Waterwise Schools Program is available from the Water Corporation’s website at


Did you know?

  • There are 576 Waterwise Schools across Western Australia – this represents 54 per cent of schools across the State.
  • Now in its 23rd year, the Waterwise Schools Program takes a long-term approach to water education and behavioural change, and complements the curriculum across all major learning areas.

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Sandy Hooft

Position: North West Region - Senior Advisor Customer & Stakeholder

Phone: (08) 9186 8266