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The Shire of Ashburton’s Onslow Aquatic Centre was endorsed as a Waterwise Aquatic Centre at the recent Leisure Institute of WA Aquatics (LIWA) State Conference.


Since the Waterwise Aquatic Centre Program began in 2008 it has helped save around 858 million litres of water – in aquatic centre terms, that’s around 381 Olympic swimming pools of water.


Water Corporation North West Regional Manager, Rino Trolio, congratulated the centre for doing its bit to use water wisely.


“The Onslow Aquatic Centre carried out extensive reviews of how it uses water and developed a management plan to achieve lasting water savings,” Mr Trolio said.


“The centre is fitted with water efficient toilets, taps and showers and regularly monitors its water use to keep an eye out for leaks.


“Aquatic centres are an important part of our community, and the advice and support they receive through this program ensures every drop of water is used wisely.”


The Shire of Ashburton’s Shire President, Kerry White, was pleased with the endorsement as part of the program.


“We are proud to be endorsed by the waterwise program and will continue to make changes where possible to help reduce our water use,” Cr White said.


The Waterwise Aquatic Centre Program is a joint initiative of Water Corporation and the Leisure Institute of WA Aquatics, with 38 centres endorsed across the State.

Onslow Aquatic Centre brings the total number of Waterwise Aquatic Centres in the North West to three – with the Karratha Leisureplex and the Newman Aquatic Centre previously recognised through the program. 


For more information about the program, visit


Media Enquiries:

Contact: Sandy Hooft

Position: North West - Senior Advisor Customer and Stakeholder

Mobile: 0408 950 105