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Williams Swimming Pool was endorsed as a Waterwise Aquatic Centre at the recent Leisure Institute of WA Aquatics (LIWA) State Conference.


Since the Waterwise Aquatic Centre Program began in 2008 it has helped save around 858 million litres of water – in aquatic centre terms, that’s around 381 Olympic swimming pools of water.


Water Corporation Great Southern Regional Manager, Adrian Stewart, congratulated the Shire of Williams run centre for doing its bit to use water wisely.


“The Williams Swimming Pool carried out extensive reviews of how it uses water and developed a management plan to achieve lasting water savings,” Mr Stewart said.


“It made significant changes and ongoing commitments to using water wisely at its facility, including retrofitting change rooms with water efficient appliances, regular water use monitoring and leak detection programs.


“Aquatic centres are an important part of our community, and the advice and support they receive through this program ensures every drop of water is used wisely.”


Shire of Williams CEO, Geoff McKeown, said the program formed part of a commitment to sustainable development.


“The Shire of Williams is committed to the management of sustainable resources, including the efficient use of water,” Mr McKeown said.


“We look forward to working with LIWA and the Water Corporation to demonstrate this commitment. The Shire will continue on its journey of continuous improvement with our water use.”

The Waterwise Aquatic Centre Program is a joint initiative of Water Corporation and the Leisure Institute of WA Aquatics, with 38 centres endorsed across the State.

Williams Swimming Pool brings the total number of Waterwise Aquatic Centres in the Great Southern to three – with the Kojonup Swimming Pool and Mount Barker Swimming Pool previously recognised through the program. 

For more information about the program, visit

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Kate Duff

Position: Great Southern - Senior Advisor Customer and Stakeholder

Phone: (08) 9725 5148