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Armadale Primary School celebrated 10 years participating in Water Corporation’s Waterwise Schools Program at a special assembly last Friday.


Over the past decade teachers at the school have been educating students on the need to value, protect and conserve precious water resources.


Water Corporation General Manager Customer and Community Group, Catherine Ferrari, thanked the school for its dedication to the program.


“Due to the impact of climate change it’s important the next generation is aware of how precious water is, and Armadale Primary School has been sharing this message now for 10 years,” Ms Ferrari said.


Armadale Primary School Principal Ms Fiona Blundell said Armadale Primary School had been a proud Waterwise school for the past decade.


“During this time our students have gained an understanding of how our school uses water and what we can do to find ways to save it where we can.”  


“Teaching students about the importance of water as well as ensuring our practices at school and in the home are sustainable are an important element of our wonderful Science program.


“Armadale Primary School has an active and passionate Green Team, which is led by students, focusing on sustainability,” Ms Blundell said.

Further information about the Waterwise Schools Program is available from Water Corporation’s website at 


Did you know?


  • There are 575 Waterwise Schools across Western Australia – this represents 55 per cent of schools across the State.
  • Now in its 23rd year, the Waterwise Schools Program takes a long-term approach to water education and behavioural change, and complements the curriculum across all major learning areas.


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