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The Goldfields Oasis is one of 10 businesses recently recognised for its water saving efforts through Water Corporation’s Waterwise Business Program.


The Program supports non-residential customers using more than 20 million litres of scheme water each year, to improve water management and help save water.


Water Corporation Goldfields and Agricultural Regional Manager Trisha Dadd said the Goldfields Oasis received Gold Waterwise Business status for achieving a significant improvement in water use.


“Congratulations to the Goldfields Oasis – it is encouraging to see such passion and commitment to creating a sustainable and waterwise facility for the community to enjoy,” Ms Dadd said.


“I encourage all businesses to follow the outstanding example of the Goldfields Oasis and consider looking at innovative ways to help save precious water.


“With water supplies in Western Australia impacted by climate change and with a drier than average winter forecast, it is important everyone does their bit, no matter how big or small, to ensure we have water forever.”


City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chief Executive Officer John Walker said the Goldfields Oasis was proud to be recognised for its water saving efforts.


“This recognition demonstrates the hard work that the Operations team at the Goldfields Oasis have done to make the centre a waterwise facility,” Mr Walker said.


Reducing the amount of water usage at the Oasis is one of the centre’s main focuses, and one that we aim to improve on each year.”


The Water Corporation’s Waterwise Business Program was introduced in 2007 as a permanent water efficiency measure.


The program requires all non-residential customers that use more than 20 million litres of scheme water each year to develop a Water Efficiency Management Plan, and report annually to demonstrate water efficiency actions achieved.


Goldfield Oasis Waterwise

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Kathy Balt - Goldfields and Agricultural Region - Senior Advisor Customer & Stakeholder

Phone: (08) 9622 4808