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  • It is National Water Week and this year's theme is 'It's time to change the world'
  • Everybody asked to do their bit to use water wisely and save this precious resource
  • Climate change continues to reduce rainfall in south-west of Western Australia

Water Minister Dave Kelly has encouraged Perth residents to reflect on this year's National Water Week theme - It's time to change the world - and consider how they can help save our most precious resource, water.

The south-west of Western Australia is one of the areas on the planet most affected by climate change through declining rainfall. With a 15 per cent decline in long term average annual rainfall since the mid-1970s, streamflow into Perth's drinking water dams has reduced by up to 80 per cent.

While our two desalination plants and Groundwater Replenishment Scheme have added much needed climate-independent water sources to our water supplies, it is vital the community continues its efforts to use water wisely.

It has already started to warm up with September in Perth being the hottest on record, and its driest in 42 years, with just 31.4mm of rain received, well short of the 84.8mm average. This trend is expected to continue for the rest of the year - so the community must continue to adapt its water use as our climate continues to change.

So far this year Perth's dams have received just 41 billion litres of streamflow from rain, this is compared to the pre-1975 average of 420 billion litres a year.

One quick and easy way to save water is to check for hidden leaks using the Water Corporation's simple, online leak detection tool.

Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:

"As a community here in Perth we must continue our efforts to save water and adapt to what climate change is doing to our environment.

"This National Water Week, I'm asking Western Australians to think about the importance of water in their lives - and what they can do to use water more wisely.

"Whether it's checking your home or business for leaks, or switching to more water efficient fixtures, if everyone makes small changes to their daily lives to save water, together we can make a big difference.

"By making small changes in our lives, we can not only save money individually through lower household bills, but delay the need for a new, expensive climate-independent water source.

"While the Western Australian Government is doing its bit for climate change, it would be great if this National Water Week the Federal Government lifted its game."

Media Enquiries:

Contact: Minister's office

Phone: 6552 6100