Meter renewal program
Project goal:
To renew all aged meters in a staged approach across Western Australia.
In construction
Delivery Date:
What's happening?
As part of our commitment to provide reliable service to our customers, we’re replacing aged water meters. Residents, landowners, property managers and business owners will be advised when their home, property or business is planned for a meter replacement.
Where is this happening?
We are renewing aging meters across Western Australia as part of our Meter Renewal Program.
Why is this work taking place?
Meters generally have a limited operational life. They slow down over time and old ones may under-record water use. All aged meters are being renewed to provide more accurate readings. The purpose of the meter renewal program is to ensure all customers are treated equitably with the accuracy of their usage readings for their water charges.
When is this happening?
We’re renewing meters in a staged approach, with priority given to areas with older meters. Customers will be given notification before this occurs in their area.
How will this impact the community?
Meter renewals work on average takes around 15 minutes , however it can take up to one hour and the water to the property will be turned off during this time. If you’re present at the property at the time of the renewal, a Water Corporation representative will knock on the door before changing the meter. You don’t have to be at the property for the renewal to take place. Renewal is free - as long as your meter is accessible and required clearances are provided, we’ll cover the cost of the meter and installation. Your support in preparing your meter and ensuring it meets access requirements is appreciated.
The renewal process shouldn’t impact on appliances. However, some older style, instantaneous hot water systems could be affected. This type of system can be found on both external and internal walls – normally close to areas of high demand like the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry. They’re usually small units and don’t have a storage tank. If you’re concerned about the age of your hot water system, we recommend switching it off during the replacement. Once the renewal is done, we recommend running the hot and cold taps for 1 - 2 minutes to remove any trapped air in the pipes.
After the renewal, a card will be left at the property recording the old meter serial number and meter reading at the time it was removed, as well as the new meter number and initial meter reading. We recommend you retain this card for your own records, as well as recording your meter prior to its renewal.
The new meter won’t have any impact on the amount of water you consume. However, some customers may experience a slightly increased water charge as their current meters may be under-reading consumption. You may wish to keep track of your water use by regularly reading the new meter so that you know what to expect on your next account.
We’d love to hear what you think of our water meter renewals program. Share your feedback for a chance to win a $50 gift card.
Please refer to the card left in your letterbox which identifies if the property had a standard or large meter replaced. You can also use your phone camera to scan the QR code on the card which will take you directly to the correct survey.
Standard meter survey
Large meter survey
Why are you renewing my meter?
We are undertaking a planned meter renewal program. Your meter has been selected as part of a staged approach to renew all aged meters across WA.When will my meter be renewed?
We are renewing all meters across WA in a staged approach as part of standard operational activity. Areas with older meters are being prioritised and residents will be provided notification prior to renewal activities commencing in their area.Do I have to have a new meter?
Yes. All meters will be renewed as part of our standard operational program. Meters generally have a limited operational life and all aged meters will be renewed to provide more accurate readings.Do I have to pay for the new meter?
No, as long as your meter is accessible and required clearances are provided, we will cover the cost of the meter and installation.How long will this take?
Meter renewals work on average takes around 15 minutes , however it can take up to one hour and the water to the property will be turned off during this time. If you’re present at the property at the time of the renewal, a Water Corporation representative will knock on the door prior to commencing the works and let you know what to expect.
Do I have to be there?
No, the property owner/resident does not have to be present during the meter renewal.What if I am away on holidays at the time?
The property owner/resident does not have to be present during the meter renewal.Will the water usage reading from my new meter be different to my old meter?
Aged meters can slow down over time and may under record water use. The new meter will be more accurate than the old one. You may wish to keep track of your water use by regularly reading the new meter so that you know what to expect on your next account.Will my water bill increase?
Some customers may experience a slight increase in water charges as their current meters may be under-reading consumption. The purpose of the meter renewal program is to ensure that all customers are treated equitably in terms of the accuracy of their usage readings for their water charges.Will the new meter mean that I’ll use more water?
The meter is simply a measuring device and has no bearing on the amount of water you consume. You may wish to keep track of your water use by regularly reading the new meter so that you know what to expect in your next account.How will I know that my meter has been renewed?
A Water Corporation representative will knock on the door to notify you that they are at the property and will be turning off the water to renew the meter.After the meter has been renewed, a card will be left at the property recording the old meter serial number and meter reading at the time it was removed, as well as the new meter number and initial meter reading. We recommend you retain this card for your own records, as well as recording your meter prior to its renewal.
Will the meter renewal affect any appliances?
Generally, no. However, some older style, instantaneous hot water systems could be affected. This type of instantaneous hot water system can be found on both external and internal walls – normally within close proximity to areas of high demand such as kitchen, bathrooms and laundry. They are normally small units and do not have a storage tank.If you are concerned about the age of your hot water system, we recommended it is switched off during the replacement. We also recommended you slowly run hot and cold taps for 1 to 2 minutes to remove any trapped air in the pipes after the renewal is complete.
How will this impact on my property?
The replacement work on average takes around 15 minutes however it can take up to one hour. During this time the water supply to your property will be turned off. Once the water supply resumes, all hot and cold taps should be run slowly for 1 to 2 minutes to remove any trapped air in the pipes.
Your meter renewal should not impact your internal plumbing, water pressure or appliances.
It is critical that I always have water, what can I do?
If you are a business that requires water, or water is critical to your needs, please get in touch with the Meter Renewal Program by emailing to discuss your water supply needs.
My meter wasn't changed
If we are unable to change your meter on your scheduled date you will receive an unchanged meter calling card. Your meter still needs changing and we will be in touch with you again to reschedule the renewal.
Reasons we may have been unable to change your meter include:
- Dog or pet on the property.
- Locked gate or fence blocking access to the meter.
- Dangerous items near your meters such as insects (bees, spiders), glass.
- Meter being obstructed by garden growth.
- Meter being 'built-in' by a structure (such as a wall or driveway) or a vehicle parked at your property.
- The removal requires additional plumbing works.
Your support in preparing your meter and ensuring it meets access requirements is appreciated.