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Greening Greenslade - Urban Forest Pop Up

Cockburn’s residents voiced their desire to help increase urban greenery, and this Urban Forest pop up was an ideal collaborative project. Greening Greenslade improved the attractiveness of the site by adding a pocket of nature to alter the hot, sparsely vegetated car park into an interesting and engaging piece of nature for all visitors and neighbours to enjoy.

In addition to the social benefits, the gardens feature waterwise plants that are increasing local biodiversity. Importantly the project helps to replenish our groundwater through capturing stormwater throughout the garden, so it can filter back into underground aquifers.

By converting a hot asphalt carpark to a unique nature space, the City of Cockburn has provided an environment for residents to meet, while also reducing heat and showcasing waterwise designs.
Before and after: The car park has been converted to include a water sensitive urban designed garden and mixed use space.

Cooling the city through urban greening

Spearheaded by the City of Cockburn, Greening Greenslade was a team effort which came to life by a range of partners including The Forever Project and Urban Impact Project.

The carpark’s expanse of asphalt became extremely hot in the summer months and offered little amenity to residents and little benefit to the local environment. Following extensive community consultation, the carpark was transformed into a greener community asset and inviting space.

The newly created mixed use space features eucalypts and deciduous trees that'll help to beautify and cool down the nearby café and remaining carpark on the site.

The hard work of the working group is now paying off, with increased foot traffic for local businesses, measurably cooler temperatures and in the winter storm water will replenish our groundwater through featuring water sensitive urban designed garden beds. The project has been cited as a case study for future urban greening projects around Cockburn and Perth.

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