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Every year, local government must complete an annual report reviewing the water use in their community and updating us on their waterwise progress. 

These annual reports are due by 31 October 2024

Step 1 – Download our report template 

If you are currently an Endorsed or Gold Waterwise Council, you can apply for re-endorsement by completing the Waterwise Council Re-endorsement Report template.

Step 2 – Review your water use

We will provide you with potable water use reports for both your council facilities (corporate) and community. All data should be distributed to councils by September. If you haven't heard from us by the end of September 2024, please email 

For non-potable allocation details, please request a licensed, self-supply groundwater allocation report by emailing the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) at

To be an Endorsed Waterwise Council, you must abide by the watering roster and your groundwater use licence. DWER and and Water Corporation will verify there have been no breaches of the watering roster and groundwater use as part of the re-endorsement process.

Step 3 – Action plan updates

Provide updates to your Water Efficiency Action Plan or Waterwise Council Action Plan actions.

if you need to upload evidence or additional information, contact the team to request a OneDrive Folder for your reporting. 

Step 4 - Submit

Submit your completed annual Waterwise Council Re-endorsement Report by 31 October 2024 to

New Gold Waterwise Council

If you are an Endorsed Waterwise Council and wish to apply for Gold, please complete the Waterwise Council Action Plan template and submit it by 31 October 2024. 

Endorsed Waterwise Councils can apply to be a Gold Waterwise Council through the expanded criteria aligned with the Water Sensitive Cities Index within the Waterwise Council Action Plan template.

On top of reviewing your water use, you will need to demonstrate the following: 

  • All Aquatic Centres owned by your local council are endorsed as Waterwise. 
  • Have a Waterwise Verge Policy or Guideline.
  • Have a cross-functional Water Management Team which meets regularly.
  • Commit to at least 10 action from across the 7 Water Sensitive Cities Goal Areas and Indicators

If you need help with your application or want to discuss it further, please email

Applying for Platinum Waterwise Council

The Waterwise Council Recognition Scheme recognises local governments’ efforts in driving liveability outcomes across the water cycle and their valuable contributions to creating waterwise cities and communities.

As a Gold Waterwise Council, you can apply to be a Platinum Waterwise Council of the Year by completing a Platinum Application form

City of Mandurah is the 2024 Platinum Council of the Year. You can read more about their winning nomination in the City of Mandurah case study

Nominations for Platinum Waterwise Council close on 31 October 2024. Please reach out to the Waterwise council team if you have any queries about nominating your council. 

Recognition scheme winners will be announced at our annual Waterwise Recognition Event in May 2025.