Read our frequently asked questions
If you have any more questions about COVID-19, our financial support options or how we are protecting your water supply, please visit our FAQs page.
Visit COVID-19 FAQs pageWe’re here to help households and businesses during with a range of have financial support programs, including:
In addition, the WA Government has also announced residential water charges will be frozen, and wastewater and drainage charges either frozen or reduced, for households until 30 June 2021.
get financial support
The State Government has announced a range of measures to assist households and businesses financially impacted by COVID-19.
$607 million stimulus package to support WA households and small businesses.
$1 billion COVID-19 economic and health relief package unveiled.
Water charges relief for regional businesses affected by COVID-19
Your drinking water supply is safe. The drinking water we supply to the Western Australian community meets 100% of the health requirements set by the Department of Health. Water treatment and disinfection processes, including use of chlorine, are effective in removing viruses from water supplies.
The advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Water Services Association of Australia is that there is no evidence coronavirus is transmitted via drinking water.
We are also prepared to ensure the reliability of your water supply. Our water treatment plants are secure, have back-up power supplies and require limited employees to operate them, with some able to be operated remotely.
There is no need to buy bottled water as safe tap water will continue to be supplied directly to you every day.
We continue to maintain and invest in our network as normal, delivering water, wastewater and drainage services to our 1.3 million customers across WA, while adhering to current WA Government health and safety advice.
Carrying out maintenance minimises the chance of unplanned water supply interruptions and our ongoing substantial investment in infrastructure projects helps support thousands of WA jobs during COVID-19.
If you have any more questions about COVID-19, our financial support options or how we are protecting your water supply, please visit our FAQs page.
Visit COVID-19 FAQs page
Our contact centre remains dedicated to assisting you. To help us resolve your enquiry faster, please submit your request via our online self-service options. One of our team members will be in touch to help you.
Proof of vaccination is no longer required when visiting a Water Corporation site
Western Australia's COVID-19 wastewater surveillance program has responded to the recently reported community cases of COVID-19 in Perth with additional sampling in locations in metropolitan Perth.
We're postponing all non-essential planned work in Perth, Peel and South West regions that would require customers' water to be turned off.
Keep checking for the most up-to-date information and advice on coronavirus.
For up-to-date COVID-19 health information, including what to do if you suspect you have COVID-19, visit the Department of Health' Healthy WA website or call the Coronavirus information helpline on 13 COVID (13 286 43).